Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We get on.

So, today was a good day. Nothing really exciting happened during school. BUT, ashter school, I hung out with Ashwii and Tamara, and it was nice, because we just haven't hung out in like forever. Now that I think of it, it's kind of crazy because we really haven't at ALL in a LONG time. :/

Mmm, so it was fun. Haha.
And after that I had to go back to school, because I had talent show practice. Mmm, it was chill. Except that fact that I was holding in the biggest fucking fart the whole fucking time. Ugh, it was horrible. It was totally kidding me.

Mmm. I'm not really in the blogging mood. & I just finished my homework, and now I feel like working out.

So, I'm gonna end it with some lyrics, that I think are grand.

Kate Nash - We Get On

Simply knowing you exist aint good enough for me
But asking for your telephone number
seems highly inappropriate

Seeing as I can't
even say hi
when you walk by

And that time you shook my hand it felt so nice
I swear I've never felt this way about any other guy
and I never usually notice people's eyes but..

I conducted a plan
To bump into you most accidentally
I was walking along
and I bumped into you
much more heavily than I'd originally planned.
It was well embarrassing and
I think you thought that I was a bit of a twat

I just think that we'd get on
Oh I wish I could tell you face to face
instead of singing this stupid song
but yeah I just think that we might get on

So I went to that party
everyone they were kind of arty
And I was wearing this dress
'cause I wanted to impress
But I wasn't sure if I look my best
'cause I was so nervous
But I carried on regardless
strutting through each room
trying to find you

And when I saw you kissing that girl
My heart, it shattered
and my eyes, they watered
and when I tried to speak I stu-uttered

And my friends were like "Whatever,
you'll find someone better,
Find More lyrics at
his eyes are way too close together
and we never even liked him from the start.
And now he's with that tart,

and I heard she'd done some really nasty stuff
down in the park with Michael.
He said she's easy
and if your guys with someone that's sleazy
then he ain't worth your time
cause you deserve a real nice guy"

So I proceeded to get drunk and to cry
I locked myself in the toilets for the entire night

Saturday night, I watch Channel 5
I particularly like CSI
I don't ever dream about you and me
I don't ever make up stuff about us
that would be considered insanity

I don't ever drive by your house to see if you're in
I don't even have an opinion on that tramp
that you are still seeing

I don't know your timetable
I don't know your face off by heart
but I must admit that there is a part
that still thinks that we might get on
that we might get on
that we might get on
that we should get on

Sincerely, Adrian.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So, I'm in the blogging mood, right now. Hence, this early blog.
Like, as I was walking home (before James Bonilla, ran up and tried to scare me), I was thinking, Hmm, I feel like blogging. I'm not sure why, I think because I was acting more like my old self. The part I don't like. & that part was, that I thought a lot. Like a lot, a lot. Yeah, so I was thinking a lot today.

Mmm, after school, I got a missed call from Ashley Pashley, and she wanted to know if I wanted to go to iHOP, with her and Kevin. So, I called her back, and I wasn't sure why, BUT, I said no. BUT, I felt like I said it really bitchy-like. I mean, at first, I was like, "Well, I wasn't invited." Which, was a lie, because Ashley did invite me. BUT, I meant like Kevin (the driver) didn't invite me, and I really didn't want to impose. Like, I didn't wanna randomly show up at his car with Ashley and be like, "Heyy, I'm coming along, too." I don't know. I also didn't have money, so I would've just sat there free-loading off of someone's unlimited pancakes. So, I didn't go. & IDK, I kinda felt like they both wanted it to be just them two. Like, I felt like it was a two-person bonding kinda thing. IDK.I felt bad , though. Everything came out all wrong, so I texted Ashley, apologizing for sounding "bitchy."

See, what I mean,? I'm thinking a lot!! I don't like it.

OH, another thing I've been thinking a lot about is me not saying Hi to people sometimes. I mean, most of the times, I don't see people when they wave, or people that I just generally know, and I don't say Hi on accident. BUT, I mean sometimes, I will see people, and IDK, I just don't say Hi. It's not like I don't like the person. I think its more of the mentality like: Oh, if they're not gonna say Hi to me, then why should I waste time saying Hi to them. Y'know? BUT, I mean, like sometimes I'll see my close friends, and this will happen, and it's like WTF?

Well, on that note: BYE! Haha.

Sincerely, Adrian.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Listen to the first lines of the songgggg.


Mmm, so today was pretty blatent and nothing out of the ordinary. I woke up, and I worked out, and I showered while brushing my teeth, and I got ready, and ran to school. Everytime I work out (or any usually regular day) I always have to go in turbo mode. I hate it. Because, when I get to Akune's class, like all my hastiness catches up with me, and I get all hot and bothered and uncomfortable.

Mmm, well, nothing really happened at school. Let's see. First period, Mrs. Akune was a bitch. Second period, I kinds ditched, but not really. Oh, in second period I got a text saying that I made MC for the talent show! It was me, Mariana, Brittany, and Bobby. BUT, what's most important is that I made it. :)
I hope I don't have to dress fancy--because I'm just not a fancy kind of person. Y'know, I'm just a small town boy.

In third period, I finished my project. BUT, I wanna umph it little. Fourth period was pretty chill. We all just talked about how we're seniors and what we'd do. Mmm, and in fifth period, nothing really happened. Fifth period, is just full of me and Amber laughing, cracking cholo/a jokes, and talking to each other and the people that sit around us. Ohh, another thing me and Ambetch talk about in 5th period, is how Ms. Barry is an undercover bitch! Haha. I laugh, because it's true.

And after that, me, Karebear and Taylor just chilled. Then, I went to Calote's class with Karen and Mariana and Amber after school, and me and Amber had a really good talk.

Hmm, ohh random things, I feel like like talking about, BUT not like talk-talking about.
1. My mom told me she saw a ghost (I will get in-depth about this later/when I feel like it).
2. She said it was my grandpa.
3. I wonder if he remembers me.
4. My mom says that when you see a spirit or presence, that you should always talk it.
5. Unless, (my mexican friend told me) you hear something/someone calling you name, than you shouldn't answer it, because they're trying to take your spirit.
6. YIKES!! ^
7. Ohh, I'm stuck on the ghost thing.
8. And everyone, I've talked to about this ghost things, has seen a ghost before.
9. That kinda scares me.
10. Oh, another about ghosts that I learned is that, you should pray for them or something.

Sincerely, Adrian.

PS. I didn't wanna end it so abruptly like that. So, here's a picture of my cat.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I'm not in the blogging mood.
I just made another Facebook. My old one was disabled, and I couldn't log in/use that email to make a new one.
So, I used one of my old emails.

I feel really different/weird today. I'm not sure if anyone else has ever felt that. BUT, today when I was eating Subway at my kitchen table, and then I looked out over to my family room--I just felt different. Like weird. I can't really explain it. It just felt awkward or something. Maybe this is my quarter-life crisis or whatever. Because, I've been thinking about that feeling alot, and I was thinking that maybe I just need a change or a challenge or something. Or maybe it was the weather. Maybe it just made me feel gloomy and emo and furthermore awkward.

I don't know.

Sincerely, Adrian.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Crazy night.

So, I woke up this morning multiple times. I woke up the first time in the middle of the night to go pee. I woke up another time to take a drunken shit, and then I woke up for good, because Mariana called me.

**Brace yourself. This is going to be a LONG blog.

So, last night I went to Tamara's party. It was pretty fun. So before, I texted practically everyone on my contact list (except my mama, and other people who didn't need to know). When that was done, I went to go take a shower, and as I was showering, my friend, Lindsey called me. So, I literally got out of the shower and answered my phone. And she was all "who's party is it?" and "Oh, Derek's sister? Is Derek going to be there? Oh, is it going to be fun?" Which I answered with: "Yeah, it's going poppin': I'm going to be there!" *Notice the colon.

So, when I got out of the shower, Mariana called me and said she was on her way to pick me up. So, I had to go in like turbo changing mode. Haha, it was epic. So, Mariana got here and all I had to do was put on my shoes and figure out a way to get some "stuff" out of my garage and into Mariana's car. It was funny. So, we were in my garage while my mom was in the kitchen and would clearly see if we were to walk through the house and out the door with her handle of Smirnoff. So, I tried putting it in my pocket, then under my sweater, and then in my hood. It wouldn't suffice. So, I devised a plan to leave my phone in the garage and as we would leave I would say: "Oh, where's my phone?" Mariana would say: "Oh you probably left it in the garage." Then, I would say: "Oh...I'll just meet you in the car." This worked perfectly. So, when I went into the garage, I quickly opened the garage door, grabbed my phone and the Smirnoff and closed the garage door and jumped over the sensor before it closed. Skillllz! :)

So, we were figuring out where to put the Smirnoff. Because, we couldn't leave it in Mariana's Aunt's car. So, we left it off at Tamara's house. So, we went to Mariana's house and then Johno picked us up. Then, we went to Tamara's. We got there a bit early to help her set up for the party. "Setting-up" meant taking a taking a few shots while we walk around and wait. Haha.

So, the party got pretty poppin', and I remember having fun, and then the next thing I remember is going into the bathroom and seeing like one of my best friends heaving over the toilet. So, I immediately go and comfort her and rub her back, despite my level of drunkeness. I sweat I (& Emily) might've been in the bathroom forever, no exaggeration. However, I would sporadically leave to get water, fresh air, and see how the party's going--because being in that bathroom with my friend throwing up, made me want to throw up, and that just would've not helped at all.

So, when I left and came back for like the 3rd time, my friend was moved to a bedroom with a bowl, and Emili was still there and my friend, Lyndo was there, too--helping. It made me feel happy because, Lyndo and my sick friend use to not get along AT ALL. BUT, Lyndo was now helping and it just made me happy seeing them like that, because Lyndo and I used to be really good friends, too.

My friend's curfew was 11 and when she was dry heaving in the bathroom, it was running about 12ish. So, we asked my friend Johno to give her a ride home. Nonetheless, we got her home and now she's safe and well.

When, I got back to the party, there was actually a lot of people. And a lot of drama. And a lot of new faces, and a lot of people I met, and a lot of people I've met before, and a lot of people I don't remember.

Well, I got home at around 130. And my mom said: "Adrian's it's one-thirty." I said, "I know. I'm sorry." I tripped a little, but since I'm naturally clumsy, my mom didn't suspect I don't think so. And as she grilled be a little, I just kept saying: "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. sad face." then, shivered. Then, I walked upstairs.

Friday, February 13, 2009

YAY, I'm in a pensive mood!

So, you know what that means--a good post.

So, I think I'm in a pensive mood ultimately because it's raining. I've been listening to rainy songs, and I've been thinking a lot. And since I have no more keyboard piano (thanks to Indian-giver Nadia), there's no way to curb my thoughts. So, they just stay there in my head resonating.

So, I just got back from the thrift stores with my sister. It was nice, because the rain cleared up and you could see the sun, but you could still tell that it rained. It was nice. I liked it.

So, prior to the thrift stores. I asked my sister if we could go. And she was like: "Well, you still owe me 5 dollars from that In-N-Out I bought you that one day. And until, you give me those 5 dollars I'm not going to drive you anywhere." Isn't that bitchy of her? Ugh, sucha bitch. I mean, it's not like I work or anything. So, I'm broke most of the time. All I had was a 20 spot and three dollars. Ugh, bitch.

So, anyways. We're at the thrift stores, right? And I find the MOST bitchin' shirts ever. I swear. They are fucking awesome, I tell you. I think I'm going to take pictures of them and post them. BUT, I highly doubt it. I'm immensely lazy. We also looked for keyboards, and they did have keyboards, and sadly they thought I was talking about computer keyboards. :( Dumb cholas.

HAHA, well.

PS. I'm ready to get drunk tonight.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I can't think of a good title.

So, college. I remember last year, towards the end of the year (or whenever I had a lot of homework, which was spent with me staring at my wall or ceiling due to my short attention-span, thinking a lot while there was a textbook open in front of me along with a bunch of jumbled papers hither and tither), I would always think about college. I remember I always used to refer to the people who reviewed college applications as "dumb-ass-nosy-picky-bitches." Because, in reality they are! Right? Can I get what-what or something? BUT, I guess in retrospective, it's not their fault. I guess the people who I should call "dumb-ass-nosy-picky-bitches" are the people who make up the requirements and such.
It's crazy, though. Like I've seen kids, not eat and get medical attention just to succeed in school, which is just a minutiae for the bigger picture: getting into college. And we all know that getting into college is just another way of saying "succeeding in life." I've even seen kids cry their eyes out when they found out they received a B on their report cards, because they were worried that that little bumpy letter would be the very thing keeping them from "succeeding in life." Because, that's how dumb, nosy and picky those crazy college bitches are! Ugh. It just makes me mad thinking about it.
Well, the reason I'm talking about this is because, I was talking with someone today about college and now getting in and all that. So, I decided to check my mail, and I got a letter from CSULB. And, they basically told me I did not get in because I never "submitted my ACT or SAT I in by the deadline." And, I mean I don't really care, CSULB was just a back-up random application school. It just kind of pissed me off, because I did submit my ACT and SAT I on time & now I'll never know if I'll ever get into that school or not. BUT, whatevers thug life. :D

SO, to make this entry much, much, MUCH happier, I'm going to do a movie review.


OMG, this movie was awesome. The movie is much more complex and interesting than the trailer. The trailer does no justice whatsoever. I think you should just go see it.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

This is different.

So, I've fallen into Kevin's crazed obsession. Only on the accounts of 2 things:
1. I'm bored, due to the fact I don't want to do my magazine review.
2. I have actual friends on here as opposed to my xanga, which only gets read be me. So, in a sense that's more like my online diary. Haha.

Well, it is 11:31, and I am making my favorite mexian food, Chila Quilles. Please, someone correct me on my spelling. I love Chila Quilles. They are so fucking delicious. Hold on. I think I might be burning the tortillas.

Okay, close call. So, for those of you who do not know what Chila Quilles are or how to make them, I will share on how I do it.

You will need:
Onions (doesn't matter how much, most likely at least a quarter cup)
Tortillas (about 2-3)
Tomato Sauce (at least one can)
Hot Sauce (preferably Tapatio. Yay Tapatio!)

Step 1. Saute onions until slightly brown.
Step 2. Then add the tortilla, which is ripped into pieces.
Step 3. Wait until the tortilla are mostly fully sauteed and brownish.
Step 4. Add the tomato sauce.
Step 5. Add the hot sauce.

Then, there you go! It's generally easy, right? Hold on. Yikes, my tortillas are kinda really really crispy.

Mmm, this post is really random. I would write about my past few days and whatnot, but I'm not really in that sort of pensive nostalgic mood. As mentioned earlier, I'm just bored. Haha.

Well, that's my first post.
