Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kids, rebel!

So, I have about two weeks left of school. Two episodes of Triton Talk left! One dance left to go to! & a couple projects to turn-in!

The last one makes me wanna go: "Ughhh!"

I'm excited to leave! I'm so over high school!

Warmly, Adrian.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another late-night blog!

It's 12:36 AM, and boy I can't sleep! Haha.
So, to start off with. I will show you a group of videos that are closely correlated to each other.

Video #1:

Note: it's a bunch of malarkey! I mean, it's cheesy, false, and terribly out-stretched!

Video #2:

Note: See! That shit is BULLshit! Haha.

Video #3:

Note: HAHAH! Now, I feel better.

It makes me sad, when humans are discriminated agaisnt by other humans. I mean, why can't we all just get along?

Warmly, Adrian.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Let me give you the low-down!

Okay. So, I haven't been blogging, MySpacing, FaceBooking, YouTube, or anything else computer related for the past week or so, because my computer was broken...meaning it had a virus! Yeah, horrible. Like it was so bad, the internet would not even connect, and everything was as slow as molasses. It was just...UGH! Haha.

So, on Wednesday, we called the guy that always fixes our computer to come fix our computer. & he had to totally restart the whole thing and barely gave it back to us last night.

So, unfortunately, the past week or so, in which I have been out of the loop (computer-wise), I've had one of the most eventful weeks in my life! Haha.

Well, let me start with college. I got my license agreement to live in the dorms. & I have to tell my mom --burst her bubble, and tell her that she has to write a check for 1400 bucks when I mail in my license agreement. Yes, 1400, fourteen-hundred. One-thousand-four-hundred. I'm scared. & on top of that, she needs to pay for my tux for Prom, and gimme 65 for the party bus, and money for the corsage. Yikes! I know.

Mmm, moving on. I've been driving alot lately. & with that being said: I've actually been getting better! Haha. I've moved on from the parking lot at Brekke Elementary School, to going around my actual neighborhood, with other people driving and stuff! I know, exciting! Haha. So, that's cool.

Mmm, what else? Prom! My date got her dress, & now I just needa get my tuxedo & stuff. I'm excited! I really wanna look awesome! She's wearing like a blue-ish, short-ish dress. & she's gonna wear gladiator boots (fucking awesome, right?!) and a feather headband! I'm excited!
& I was thinking for myself that, I wouldn't want to overpower her, I mean I think the girl should be in the spotlight. So, I'm gonna try and pull for a brown tux, to compliment her blue dress. & I was thinking like an old-school tux, y'know? I also want it to be very fitted. & I want to at least have my vest & tie the same color as her dress. Oh, and I want to get some readers from Urban Outfitters. Preferably these. I also would LOVE a haircut! I'm excited!

Mmm, what else? Oh! Well, let me start on Sunday. So, on Sunday, I went to Main St. with Nadia. & I went to American Apparel (like always). & I went I was checking out, I asked the lady if they were hiring anytime soon for the summer. & she said Yeah, and that they were actually having a job fair on Saturday. Which was today! So, I went with my new & sexy resume. & when I got there, there was a TON of people for the job! Haha. I met so many cool new people! Haha. Mmm, so there was like a waiting list. & two hours passed by before I got called in. OH, & it sucked cuhz they did two people at a time. & the girl I did the interview with was super experienced & had like manager jobs & was really like awesome & funny and totally made me look like a little kid-douche bag trying to get a job. Haha. BUT, it wasn't bad & it wasn't super awesome. I'm honestly just hoping for the best.

Well, before this blog gets too long (as if it already hasn;t): I'll end it here.

Warmly, Adrian.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inspiration board.

Well, this is my first inspiration board. Let me explain the things I put & why:
1. Emma Watson - Because she's hot.
2. SFSU Gator - Because, I'm going to SFSU & I wanna succeed!
3. Dov Charney - Owner of American Apparel. Revolutionary bussiness man. Don't get me started.
4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Awesome band. Always manage to be different and are sop creative.
5. Gideon Yago - Seems random, right? Well, he is one of my favorite reporters and he went to Africa.
6. Miranda July - Wonderful person all-around.
7. Todd Goldman - Great artist. Manages to make gold out of crap.
8. Pikachu - I like pokemon, and Pikachu always has a upbeat, never-gonna-give-up kinda attitude.
9. Emile Hirsh - His character in Milk was phenomenal. It shows his chops as an actor and a person.
10. Color Wheel - I love color. They inspire.
11. Keyboard - I want one & want to become a pro at it.
12. "Love is not blind--it sees more not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less"-Rabbi Julius Gordon - Because, this quote is fucking true. So many people do stupid things "because they are in love," BUT know damn well what they are doing, BUT brush it off.
13. "We accept the love we think we deserve"-Stephen Chbosky - I chose this quote because, it is all too true too many times. It's a philosophical theory that is practiced to much, and what everyone does & repeats.
14. Hummingbirds - They are amazing creatures.

Warmly, Adrian.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

In honor of Easter, I'm going to have a youtube entry.
Sadly, though, none of these video relate to Easter.

& last, BUT not least:

Warmly, Adrian.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Myspace and feelings.

So, guys!
Spring Break mode, so excited!!
I think I've done all my resting (because, you know how you get really lazy/tired when one goes on break from school), and I'm ready to go out and socialize! Haha.

SO, I just got done searching all around Myspace. Like I got lost in Myspace. I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about. It's like the process when you go to a friend's profile. Then, you see another old friend on that friend's profile. Then, you say, "OMG, I didn't know they know each other?!" Then, you go to their profile, and then, you search around. Find another friend. Then, find just other random cool looking people. Well, I may be sounding very nerdy/stupeh, BUT this happens to me sometimes.

Then, I start to see friends who moved, and see if they made friends, or like how they are. & sometimes, I'll see some of my OLD OLD friends, and see that they moved to places like Temecula, and their profile, is filled to the brim with photos of their friends, and parties, and stuff. & it makes me happy to know that they have assimilated to a new school, and that they're not lonely and emo.

Then, I start to think, how I'd end up in another school. I also wonder if people (old friends & random people) ever go to my Myspace, and think that I'm doing good. That I have cool friends, and that I am not lonely or emo, and that I'm happy. I don't know. Sometimes, the feelings I feel are completely unexplainable, and they probably just look like one big, incoherent mess on this blog.

For a loss of words:

Warmly, Adrian.