Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inspiration board.

Well, this is my first inspiration board. Let me explain the things I put & why:
1. Emma Watson - Because she's hot.
2. SFSU Gator - Because, I'm going to SFSU & I wanna succeed!
3. Dov Charney - Owner of American Apparel. Revolutionary bussiness man. Don't get me started.
4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Awesome band. Always manage to be different and are sop creative.
5. Gideon Yago - Seems random, right? Well, he is one of my favorite reporters and he went to Africa.
6. Miranda July - Wonderful person all-around.
7. Todd Goldman - Great artist. Manages to make gold out of crap.
8. Pikachu - I like pokemon, and Pikachu always has a upbeat, never-gonna-give-up kinda attitude.
9. Emile Hirsh - His character in Milk was phenomenal. It shows his chops as an actor and a person.
10. Color Wheel - I love color. They inspire.
11. Keyboard - I want one & want to become a pro at it.
12. "Love is not blind--it sees more not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less"-Rabbi Julius Gordon - Because, this quote is fucking true. So many people do stupid things "because they are in love," BUT know damn well what they are doing, BUT brush it off.
13. "We accept the love we think we deserve"-Stephen Chbosky - I chose this quote because, it is all too true too many times. It's a philosophical theory that is practiced to much, and what everyone does & repeats.
14. Hummingbirds - They are amazing creatures.

Warmly, Adrian.


  1. hey, I use to work at an office job but took myself oout of the misery and now I'm at Target. lol, do you have a job?
